
Program & preconference workshop

The RMCC’s main program is happening on Wednesday (30. Oct.) and Thursday (31. Oct). Information about the preconference workshop is given below.

The preliminary program is now available. There will be some changes and updates in the weeks to come. 

 Key Note Lectures

Digital Innovation preconference workshop

RockMass Technologies and industry partners will host a preconference workshop that allows RMCC attendees to collaborate with other rock engineering professionals interested in digital innovation, and tech companies developing digital tools and software. The focus is on rock mass characterization and data collection any digital tools, e.g., remote sensing and data collection, advances in digital design like BIM, machine learning applications for parsing data, etc.

Rock engineering project budget, schedule and scope constraints are as demanding as ever, and engineers and geologists are constantly looking to innovate and become “Smarter” about rock mass classification. The appetite to “do things as we’ve always done” is slipping away as we gain access to more computing power, advanced robotics, machine learning, and data analytics and visualization tools than ever before. Some of these tools seem like they belong in a sci-fi film and might be out of reach for the “grounded” world of rock engineering – but is that really true?

This workshop is presented as a collaborative, hands-on case study, where cutting edge digital tools and software will be presented by the experts that created them and then used by participants to address rock engineering project risks. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experience with digital innovation in their respective fields, be exposed to new tools on the market (and in development!) and apply them in the context of a case study activity using real data.

Past RockMass Technologies digital innovation workshop