

Publication selection

Authors can choose between one of two publishing options: 

  • A full paper in a special issue in the journal "Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering". Authors who choose this option will get the possibility to present their work on the conference main stage. 
  • An open access conference paper in an "IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science" proceedings. Authors who choose this option will get the possibility to present their work through a poster in the mingling / coffee area of the conference.

Please note that contributions to "Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering" need to follow the same high quality requirement as other contributions to this journal. The final decision about which option will be chosen for a contribution remains with the Guest Editors (Dr. Georg Erharter and Dr. Pål Jakobsen). 
Personal attendance at the conference of at least one author is required for inclusion of the contribution. 

Abstract submission

The abstract submission deadline was on 15. November 2023. Special inquiries are to be made to